Monday, December 29, 2014

Marital Dilemmas

As I surf the internet, seeking mindful articles to read, all I find are posts regarding domestic violence,  infidelity and divorce. It's a shame how so many couples who once professed  the term "Till Death Do You Part", can't address each other in a civil tone in pubic or behind close. Now, if the couple has  kids (the bundle of joys)  have to wittiness their parent's stressful behavior. Perhaps, it's because they need of dose of this ...
Proverbs 18:22 (GW) - Whoever finds a wife finds something good and has obtained favor from the Lord.
The above bible verse goes for men too ...
Oh well, all I can do as a Pastor is pray for all those couples that are having marital dilemmas and continue to thank the Lord for my supportive GEM (hubby) and our 4 fun-loving sons. Because they know how much I love to pick up a book, snuggle up in my favorite nook and read till I'm almost finished with the book ... ‪#Hehehe‬,
Oh yes, my Dominican Danish (husband) prepared a tasty cup of coffee for me, so that it can accompany every turning of the pages, while our 4 Diamond sons do the rest of the laundry ... ‪#ThankYouJesus‬,

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Healthy Advice

Afternoon Everyone:
Life is full of lessons and everyone you meet can turn into an instant teacher. Don't you know that they're all part of the learning experience that Jesus Christ has destined for you?
Acknowledging those lessons isn't easy, especially when things don't go your way; nonetheless if you take a few seconds to rewind the tape with call life, then you'll be able to appreciate life more. Such as, if your denied a particular job or a relationship doesn't work for some reason or other, it only means something better is out there waiting for you. Therefore, don't continue to waste your time arguing about stuff that only hardens heart and that's the 1st. lesson towards having peace of mind ...
Revelation 3:20 (NCV) - Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and eat with you, and you will eat with me.

Here's a thought, what does a person do when someone knocks on their door? They ask who it is, let them in and chat up a storm. That's what the Prince of Peace wants to do with you. Talk about what's going on in your life and offer some healthy advice ...