Saturday, February 14, 2015

The Importance Of Listening

I'm constantly testifying to the youth about the importance of listening their parent's advice. As my GEM & I passed the day praying and looking over all our photos the Lord reminded us of a prophecy that Sis. Lucy Almodovar (my mother's best friend) gave in regard to my Dominican Danish ...  ‪#Glory‬,
It was the 1st. time she (Sis. Lucy) had ever seen my Honey Bun and what she said was so intense that it stuck in my heart as a conformation of God love and grace. She looked into my Love Boat's eye and all that she could pronounce is this ~ "His eyes belong to Nancy" and his heart is closer than what you think. My mother smiled, laughed and said "I receive that" because the Lord spoke to her and my father a few days earlier and no one knew about the conversation; but God and my parents ...  ‪#Alleluia‬,

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Our Loving Memories

On this day (July 18, 1987) my Dominican Danish & I wanted to explore our Tarzan & Jane Stage ... #Hehehe

Omg, I was so frighten to climb up that tree; but once I saw my hubby hanging from the tree, extending his loving hand out to me and laughing as if he was watching The Three Stooges, I crawled up that tree, as if I were a small baby ...  #SentimentSaturday,